The Writers’ Workshop of Asheville, NC, is sponsoring our Annual Poetry Contest, open to any writer regardless of residence. The awards are:
1ST Place: Your choice of a 2 night stay at our Mountain Muse B&B in Asheville; or 3 free workshops online; or 10 poems line-edited and revised by our editorial staff
2nd Place: Two free workshops; or 8 poems line-edited
3rd Place: One free workshop, or 5 pages line-edited
10 Honorable Mentions
Deadline: Postmarked by March 30, 2021
All work must be unpublished. Each poem should not exceed two pages. Multiple entries are accepted. Your name, address, phone email and title of work should appear on the first page. The entry fee is $25 for every 3 poems. All entries receive comments from the judges.
Enclose self-sealing SASE for comments and winners' list, and mail to: Poetry Contest, 387 Beaucatcher Road, Asheville, NC 28805.
Emailed submissions may be sent to writersw@gmail.com with "Poetry Contest" in the subject. Entry fee is payable online at www.twwoa.org