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Submissions Open April 1 for The Guilded Pen: The Power of Ten

25 Feb 2021 9:40 AM | Deleted user


The Guilded Pen, Tenth Edition, 2021


The Guilded Pen―2021 will mark our 10th Year!

What a milestone!!

To celebrate this achievement, the 2021 Anthology will highlight the number “ten” in this year’s publication. All SDWEG members are invited to submit their short stories, poems, and essays for review and possible acceptance for publishing.


The submission period will begin April 1, 2021. Last day to submit is May 31, 2021.

Email submissions to:

(Note: ONLY email submissions will be considered.)


1. The submission must contain the word ten or the number 10 in the first sentence. There will be no exceptions.

1.1 Some examples of using “ten” in the first sentence (Please do not use any of these examples):

  • Ten books were stacked on the desk when . . .
  • The clock struck “ten” as the shot rang out . . .
  • Maud and Harry were looking forward to their tenth anniversary—that was before Ted showed up and said . . .
  • If you half-heartedly divide 20 by 10, does the result completely measure up?

Note: If the word Ten or the number “10” is omitted from the first sentence, the submission will not be read and will be returned to the author without further review. The author may choose to correct the oversight and resubmit.

2. Up to 3 submissions may be entered; however, the aggregate word count may not exceed 4500 in total;

3. Submissions must be:

3.1 Double-spaced,

3.2 Times New Roman, 12-point font,

3.3 1-inch margins on all sides, and

3.4 A word document with .doc or .docx

4. No headers or footers, no page numeration, author’s name cannot be shown on any of the pages submitted.

5. The entry must be edited for spelling, punctuation, verb tense and other grammar issues prior to submission. The author understands that further copyediting may take place after submission is accepted.

If you find you need help with any of the technical aspects of the guidelines or with finding a good person to look over your piece before submitting it, remember that you are member of a group of dedicated writers and editors. Contact a fellow guild member for assistance. If you are unsure who to ask and you have checked the website, PLEASE contact someone on the Board of Directors and they will be more than happy to offer names of prospective writers and/or editors for you to contact.

We hope you will step up to the challenge and submit your short stories, essays, and poetry to this year’s anthology. On a personal note, it’s a great way to add to those publishing credits; and, as our major fundraiser, your contribution will help support the mission of the SDWEG which is: To Support the Writing Arts for Youth and Adults.

So, get writing!

Marcia Buompensiero and Rivkah Sleeth

Managing Editors

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