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Writing Workshops, Poetry Contest

4 Apr 2021 7:58 AM | Deleted user



 387 Beaucatcher Road

Asheville, NC 28805 *  828-254-8111 * 

Writing Workshops, Poetry Contest

The Writers' Workshop of Asheville NC is offering online classes for beginning and experienced writers. Each class meets on Saturdays, 10-3:30 pm, with a lunch break. Registration is in advance only, at Classes are $80/75 members, and financial assistance is available for low-income writers in exchange for volunteering.

 For more info, see, or contact [These workshops have happened. The email address may no longer be valid.]

April 17: Finding Your Poetic Voice with Bruce Spang

May 1:  Writing Your Memoirs with Karen Ackerson

May 15:  Writing From The Top Of Your Head with Nina Hart

May 29:  Screenwriting Workshop with Nathan Ross Freeman

June 12: Fiction Writing And Revising with Karen Ackerson 

Poetry Contest Deadline Extended to April 15.

For Awards and Guidelines, go to

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