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Congratulations to Mark Clifton

24 Dec 2021 11:50 AM | Deleted user

Mark Clifton has published his second novel, The Mayor of O.B.  The book, available for purchase in the coming weeks, tells the story of the unofficial Mayor of Ocean Beach who holds court daily on the sea wall by the O. B. pier.

The story follows the protagonist from his youth, growing up surfing, doing martial arts, and finding trouble with his best friend, Al Marutas, who lives next door on Abbot St. directly behind the break called "Middles". Life gets more complicated when they meet a beautiful surfer girl and rescue her from a difficult situation. They both fall in love with her, which divides their once iron-clad friendship.

As the counter-culture affects all of their lives in 1967, the two friends become enemies while their lives take different directions. The following years dangerously  unfold  for the future "mayor" while he works through the loss of his girl, his friend, and his life.

Mark's first crime novel, There Goes The Neighborhood, was set in the community of San Carlos. 

Look out for a review of Mark's latest novel in the coming weeks, right here on the SDWEG blog.

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