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SDWEG: A Community of Writers Making a Difference

19 Jan 2022 10:26 PM | Deleted user

What comes to mind when you think of the San Diego Writers and Editors Guild? You might remember an informative workshop, an engaging open mic night, or a great short story in a past anthology. Whatever comes to mind for you, our goal is that it’s part of the Guild’s larger mission: Creating a community of writers of all skill sets with a focus on improving people’s lives.

The 2022 SDWEG board recently held a virtual retreat to engage in blue-sky thinking about the Guild’s past, present and future. It was an inspiring conversation, driven by each member’s passion for the Guild and its members. What consensus emerged from the discussion? These three truths:

  1. We serve writers of all backgrounds, ages and skill levels.
  2. We foster strong community connections among our members.
  3. We do so with a passion for positively impacting others.

We’d love to hear from past, present, and (we hope) future members about what you would look for from the San Diego Writers and Editors Guild. What do you appreciate about SDWEG? Where could we improve? And what might we start doing that we aren’t doing now?

Please feel free to communicate with me directly at I’d love to hear from you!

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