Elections are coming up in October. The new Board won’t take over until January, but the time to begin planning for the transition of responsibilities is now.
A number of responsibilities traditionally been held by Board members could be handled by volunteer members. If you have skills and time to provide assistance in a variety of areas, members of the Board would like to know.
A spreadsheet with tabs that identify tasks needing volunteers are on Google Drive.
Look for Tabs labeled Anthology, Board Admin, Mss Review, Zoom Pro, Membership Support, Marketing, Social Media, and Mentoring Program.
If you are willing to take on one or more of the responsibilities, add your name and contact information on the spreadsheet.
Board members will provide training in all the tasks that are already being handled. The final tab, Mentoring Program, has no specific tasks identified yet as we envision the new Board will hold meetings to discuss what a Guild mentoring program will require. If you are interested in being part of those discussions, add your name.