Wild Atlantic Writers is just one of many writers groups offering conferences, retreats, and contests that ask the Guild to publicize their programs. And since it's entirely possible that one of our members may win, we're happy to let you know about this opportunity.
As with all Wild Atlantic Writers competitions, there will be two separate categories - flash fiction and creative nonfiction, which can include travel, memoir, journalism or an essay.
Deadline for submissions: Friday, March 31, 2023.
As you write your story, remember to keep in mind these important guidelines:
• the maximum length of your story should be 500 words, not including the title (please be mindful of this requirement, even one word over the limit can disqualify your entry);
• judges should be left in no doubt that the core theme in your story is linked to ‘hope;’
• you can only use the word ‘hope’ once - either in the body of your story or in your story title;
• multiple entries accepted.
The winner for each of the two categories will receive 500 euro in cash, or a voucher worth 1,000 euro redeemable towards any one of their retreats of your choice this year. [SDWEG note: The retreats are in Europe.]
And more.
With the writer’s permission, the top ten stories in each category will be published on the ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ website, with a short bio and photograph of the writer. Writers retain all copyrights to their work.
See full details about WAWA Hope competition HERE.