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Upcoming Events with KC Grifant

3 Mar 2023 4:21 PM | Lisa Hagerman

Upcoming Events with SDWEG Member KC Grifant

Sat May 20 at 3pm PT (in-person, San Diego)
KC Grifant will be in conversation with Dennis K. Crosby at Mysterious Galaxy bookstore for an interview and book signing of MELINDA WEST: MONSTER GUNSLINGER (Brigids Gate Press).
Signed and personalized books will be available.

Sun May 21 at noon PT (in-person, La Jolla)
KC Grifant will be at the “Weekends with Locals” author event at Warwick’s bookstore, 7812 Gerard Avenue, La Jolla,  to sign MELINDA WEST: MONSTER GUNSLINGER (Brigids Gate Press)

June 13 at 6pm PT (virtual)
Join for an interview and reading of MELINDA WEST: MONSTER GUNSLINGER (Brigids Gate Press)  with KC Grifant at Space Cowboy Books on June 13th at 6pm PT.
Event/appearances details at

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