Newsletter and blog resources for writers
Several organizations exist to promote the writing arts of San Diegans. As the oldest such organization, the role San Diego Writers and Editor Guild fills has changed and may need to change further.
Before our return to a monthly newsletter, our Roundup editor had been serving as a clearinghouse of information our members might be interested in. With the change in our Board of Directors and the shift of most of our roles to new incumbents we foresee additional changes in the future.
This blog post includes resources, both local and national, that we encourage members to become familiar with. Instead of using our volunteers’ time and space in the newsletter to pass on information from other organizations, we encourage each member to review the resources below and choose which newsletters or blogs from organizations or individuals are likely to provide information of value.

San Diego Writers, Ink - SDWI provides regular email updates about their activities, classes, read and critique groups, and goings on around town. Their updates are nearly daily. You do not need to be a member of San Diego Writers, Ink to subscribe to their newsletter.
Publishers and Writers of San Diego - PWSD produces a monthly newsletter that both members and nonmembers can subscribe to. PWSD concentrates on providing information about the business of writing. You do not have to be a member of PWSD to subscribe to their newsletter.
San Diego Writers Festival - SDWF provides a monthly newsletter that includes an excellent compendium of upcoming activities in that month. There is no membership fee to get news from SDWF. Start here: and scroll down until you find the form to “Get on the List.”
San Diego Professional Editors Network - SD/PEN provides a monthly newsletter to its members. Members may also submit blog posts to SD/PEN’s blog. SD/PEN members may join a Slack platform to network and share information. You must be a member of SD/PEN to receive their newsletters. Check out their other member benefits.
International Memoir Writers Association - IMWA and SDWF work closely together and publicize one another’s events in their communications. You do not need to join IMWA to subscribe to their newsletter:
Judy Reeves - Her monthly newsletter, The Lively Muse, is available to all who subscribe at
Jeniffer Thompson provides marketing tips in her monthly newsletter. Check out, to sign up for her newsletter.
Jonathan Maberry ( provides resources for authors on his website and uses his newsletter to inform subscribers of his activities, including master classes he offers where all proceeds go to good causes.
National and International resources offer newsletters of possible interest to members. Below are a few to consider.
Authors Publish ( Their newsletter (frequent, short email messages) consists primarily of posting about publishers seeking submissions. Occasionally a blog post on a topic of interest is included. Anyone may subscribe to receive their messages.
Jane Friedman ( Her free newsletter, Electric Speed, is available to anyone at
Pages and Platforms ( Scroll down to find the Subscribe option. In addition to subscribing to their newsletter, Page and Platforms recommends a number of other newsletters, including Jane Friedman’s Electric Speed.
The Author Wheel ( sends a weekly email message with tips on clarifying your vision as an author.
David Gaughran ( Gaughran’s newsletter is heavy on marketing information. He also offers a free marketing course, Starting from Zero.
Writers Workshop at Authors Publish ( offers workshops. Scroll down to subscribe to their email list.

Consider subscribing to the newsletters and blogs of other SDWEG members for at least one of three reasons:
- First, to get the valuable information they share
- Second, to get an idea of how each uses their newsletters or blog posts in order to identify those who might be able to answer questions you have about your own existing or planned newsletter or blog
- Third, to learn about upcoming events where you can show your support for other Guild members by attending
Marla Anderson,
Chris Bannor, Scroll to the bottom of the page to find “Newsletter.”
Patricia Bossano, Scroll down until you see “Join My Reader List.”
Bob Boze and Robyn Bennett, https://WritingAllsorts/
Tamika Burgess, Scroll down until the popup screen appears, inviting you to join her mailing list.
Diana Cavagnaro, Scroll down until you see “Sign up for our newsletter” Note that Diana also designs amazing hats.
Cynthia Dadmun, Use her Contact form to let her know you’d like to be on her newsletter mailing list.
Laura Engel, Subscribe to her blog.
Corey Lynn Fayman,
Leslie Ferguson, Scroll down until you find “Yes! Subscribe Me.”
Tiffany Noel Froese, Scroll to the bottom of the page to find “Sign Up For My Newsletter.”
Andrea Susan Glass, Scroll down until you see the button “Subscribe.”
K.C. Grifant, Scroll down until you see “Newsletter” in the left column.
Lisa Hagerman, Scroll down until you see “Subscribe To My Blog” in the right column.
Jan Halen, Watch for the pop-up screen offering subscribing to her newsletter.
Sephe Haven, Scroll to the bottom of the page to subscribe.
Shanti Hershenson,
Erik Christopher Martin, The option to subscribe is at the top of the home webpage.
Caroline McCullagh, Scroll to the bottom to sign up for her newsletter.
Stephanie McNutt, Scroll to the bottom to subscribe.
Reina Menasche, Scroll until you find “Subscribe!” in the right column.
Jane Muschenetz, Scroll down to see the option to subscribe to her newsletter.
Richard Opper, Scroll to bottom to subscribe.
Laura C. Rader,
Jennifer Silva Redmond, Look or the button that says “Pledge your support” to subscribe
Patrick Ross, Scroll down until you find “Sign Up For The Ride.”
Gina Schneider, Scroll down to find “Subscribe” in the right column.
Ken Shafer, Scroll down until a popup appears to allow you to subscribe.
James Stewart, Look for “Join my email list.”
Lisa Swinton, Scroll until you see the offer of a Free Story.
Edna Trigo
Wanjiru Warama,, Scroll to the bottom for the option to subscribe to her newsletter.
Nicole Wells, Scroll down to find Newsletter sign-up.
If you think your website belongs on this list, let us know so we can add it. But first be sure to list your website on your member profile so we can find it again.