The Member Directory Page has changed.
We’ve updated the Members Only Directory to make it easier to locate other members with common interests. In the past, only the Name and Membership categories were visible. For this reason, the simple search (see the search box above NAME) would only find entries where the first or last name matched the search criteria. It has always been possible to use the Advanced search to find members with profile content that matches search terms, but this has been used little.
Now, by adding Pen Name, Bio, and Actively seeking fields to what displays on the Directory page, it’s possible to pull up a list of names of members who include the search term in either their Bio or Actively Seeking fields. For example, when I used the simple search by typing in “poetry,” 7 member names appeared in the results. When I searched for “critique,” 5 member names appeared in the results.
Why should this matter to you?
By expanding what can be seen on the Member Directory page (remember, it’s only visible to members who are logged in, not the public), you should more easily be able to identify other members with similar interests.
What about the Advanced Search option?

The Advanced search option expands what will be included in the results based on any of the profile fields. For example, I searched for entries where the Zip Code field includes “92103,” a zip code near North Park in San Diego, the results included 6 names.
How can I be sure other members find me by my interests?
Review your online profile and add information about your accomplishments in your “Bio” field and your future plans in the “Actively seeking” field.