Join us on May 24, 2021 for an annual favorite event - First Page Slam.
The hook is the most important part of your story. If the reader doesn’t get drawn in by the first sentence, they won’t read the first paragraph. If they don’t feel entranced by the first paragraph, they won’t read the first page. No first page, no book.
It’s quite simple really. You need to grab the readers interest on that first page if you want them to read your masterpiece.
SDWEG presents its second annual First Page Slam. We had so much fun last year and received such great reviews we’re doing it again.
Submit the first page of your work in progress or recently published book. Two professional writers will do a live reading of your page, then give critiques.
Your first page must be submitted by May 17th to be considered. First pages will be critiqued in the order in which they were submitted. Last year we had more submissions that we could do at our meeting, so some people lost out. Get your submission in right away so you can be sure you get a place at the meeting. If you do not have your submission critiqued at the meeting, you will still receive a written critique.
This is a lot of fun, don’t miss out.
Register for this event as a Member-Submitter and then email your first page to Penn Wallace. All submissions must be made by May 17, 2021 to in Microsoft Word format.
Use New Times Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced, indent first line of paragraph.
DO NOT put any identifying information on the page. These need to be anonymous.

Our monthly meetings start with signing in and networking at 6:30pm, followed by a short business meeting at 6:45pm, and the presentation begins at 7 p.m.
Invitations with the Zoom meeting information will be sent to registrants in advance of the meeting.