Pitching your book should be fun…not terrifying.
Whether you’re crafting a killer query or pitching directly to agents in person or via Zoom, there are easy ways to make the process enjoyable, engaging, and savvy. NY Times bestseller Jonathan Maberry has pitched and sold more that 50 novels, two dozen graphic novels, a dozen nonfiction books, 1200 feature articles, 140 short stories, a board game, and a Netflix show. This lively workshop gives you key insider tips, shows you how it’s done, and provides exercise for you and your writer friends to get ready to knock ‘em dead.
Jonathan Maberry is a New York Times bestselling author, 5-time Bram Stoker Award-winner, 3-time Scribe Award winner, Inkpot Award winner, and comic book writer. His vampire apocalypse book series, V-WARS, was a Netflix original series. He writes in multiple genres including suspense, thriller, horror, science fiction, fantasy, and action; for adults, teens and middle grade. His novels include the Joe Ledger thriller series, the Kagen the Damned novels, Bewilderness, Ink, the Pine Deep Trilogy, the Rot & Ruin series, the Dead of Night series, Mars One, Ghostwalkers: A Deadlands Novel. etc. He’s the editor of many anthologies including The X-Files, Aliens: Bug Hunt, Don’t Turn Out the Lights, Aliens vs Predator, Nights of the Living Dead (co-edited with George A. Romero), and others. His comics include Black Panther: DoomWar, Captain America, Pandemica, The Punisher and Bad Blood. He’s the president of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers, and the editor of Weird Tales Magazine. He was a featured expert on the History Channel’s Zombies: A Living History and True Monsters.