You have taken writing classes, attended critique groups, revised your work over and over, and finally you have completed the perfect novel or short story—or you’re still in the planning stages. Now what?
You want to publish your work and you want the public to read it. Whether you want to pursue a traditional, hybrid, or self-publishing option, you need to get your work ready for submission.
This presentation lays out twelve steps to publishing. Participants will learn about developing a timeline, a short summary, editing, basic marketing strategies, find out about on-demand printing options, and how and where to submit their work.
About the presenter:
Cornelia Feye arrived in New York City from Germany thirty years ago with two suitcases and a typewriter. Since then, she has tried to combine her background as an art historian – she holds a M.A. in Art History and Anthropology from the University of Tübingen, Germany – with her experiences travelling around the world for seven years, and her love for writing.
In 2016 she founded Konstellation Press, an indie publishing company for genre fiction, to give a voice to independent writers and create a supportive community for local authors. Feye’s first novel, Spring of Tears, an art mystery set in France won the San Diego Book Award. During the pandemic she finished her fourth novel Death of a Zen Master, a mystery set in a remote Zen Monastery. The short story anthology Magic, Mystery & Murder, co-edited by Cornelia Feye and Tamara Merrill won the San Diego Book Award in 2019.
Cornelia lives in Ocean Beach, where she finds inspiration in her garden and always looks for the green flash. www.konstellationpress.com.
Marketing Support Group Meeting
As usual, the Marketing Support Group will meet before the regular meeting, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The same Zoom link will be used for both the Marketing Support and the monthly membership meeting.