Edna Trigo describes her life as a private investigator as a thrilling ride of adventures, challenges, but sometimes non-eventful. She has used many covert tactics in such as using her pug pal "Chuy" as her partner on surveillance. The work she does is not as glamorous as you read about or see in the movies. Sometimes, she's had to do "dumpster dives" or literally go through someone's garbage cans seeking evidence for a case. For those interested in writing mysteries or crime procedurals, Edna's real-life view of what a PI does may be helpful background resource.
Edna Trigo, Crime & Intelligence Analyst with the Sheriff's Analyst Group, SAG. retired after 27 years. After 1 year of retirement, she returned to support investigations with jail calls until July of 2020. Her career in the courts and criminal justice included the District Attorney, Public Defender, and Sheriff's Department. In 2001, Ms. Trigo-Valdez was recognized as Investigator of the Year for working on a high-profile school shooting case.
Ms. Trigo holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Administration and an MBA in Organizational Leadership. Her Criminal Intelligence training began in 2007, at the DEA Academy in Quantico, VA.
In September 2018, Ms. Trigo presented at the International Association of Crime Analysts, IACA in Huntington Beach, CA on "Tactical Investigative Analysis Techniques for Jail Phone Calls; Case Study, Operation No Worries."
Ms. Trigo has taught the 40-hour FIAT class to the HIDTA in Denver, CO; TX Public Safety in Houston, TX; CA DOJ in Sacramento, CA; Chicago Police Department Gang Unit; Arlington, VA, Oxnard, CA; pre-COVID in Trinidad and Tobago. In 2021, Ms. Trigo taught in NYC at the US Postal Inspectors Headquarters and most recently was the Lead Instructor at Abbott Global Security in Chicago, IL.
Marketing Support Group Meeting
Our Marketing Support Group meetings are taking a hiatus as we determine what resources we have for this effort.
The Zoom meeting will open at 6:30 p.m. for members to network and check in with one another. A brief business meeting will follow at 6:45 p.m. and will include an introduction of the nominees for October's election of five members for the Board of Directors. The election will take place online in October.