Join our Author Marketing Support Group via Zoom on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. PT.
Publishing & Marketing Your Writing
By Cornelia Feye, author, and publisher

You have finally written your novel or short story—or you’re still in the planning stages. Now what? You want to publish your work and you want the public to read it. Whether you want to pursue a traditional, hybrid, or self-publishing option, you need to get your work ready for publication. This workshop lays out the necessary steps to publishing. Participants will find out about developing a timeline, creating a short summary, editing, basic marketing strategies, on-demand printing platforms, ebook, and audio book options, and how and where to submit their work.
Cornelia Feye is the founder and publisher of Konstellation Press.
Konstellation Press is an independent publishing company based in San Diego, specializing in genre fiction and poetry. They publish high quality writing of authentic, creative, and unique books that do not need to conform to commercial formulas. They do not accept erotica, horror, and children’s books.
By supporting writers through the entire publishing process, they’re team of experienced writers, editors, and graphic designers will help you to create a finished product. On an optional basis, we also help with marketing, reaching an audience in various ways, submitting your books to writing competitions and reviews, and organizing book signings and publishing parties.
You may customize the services you need. They offer editing, book design, and formatting, book cover design, and distribution and marketing services. With our help your book will soon be available on demand through Ingram Sparks, (supporting local bookshops) and wherever books are sold.
Konstellation Press reserves the right to approve the final product.
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